Category Archives: From the Editor

Letter From the Editor

Defining fashion is something I’ve always thought of as a reflection of the times. All of us at Fashion Snoops are constantly exposed to a wealth of information, and our job is to filter it and bring you the most relevant information to guide you along with your own research, development and inspiration. On Fashion Snoops, that’s our first priority. But what about all the things that we’re exposed to on a daily basis, things both in and beyond fashion that ultimately shape and influence our industry and may not have a space inside our website? That’s what our new blog aims to address. Here we’ll discuss any material that is so influential, we need to shout about it, or any emerging trends, topics, brands and personalities that you need to know about, right away. Any and every relevant bit of information to our industry (and why it’s so relevant) will be addressed. So here’s to a new beginning and a continued reflection and exploration of our times.

Welcome to Fashion Snoops’ Menswear blog! We hope you enjoy it, and as always, we’d love to hear from you.

Melissa Moylan, Trend Director
Fashion Snoops

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